Harvey Specter is the main character of the American legal drama television series called Suites, which is written and created by Aaron Korsh. The first series of this drama was premiered in the year 2011. The series revolves around how Harvey Specter and his associate Mike Ross closes the cases. The series have been very popular and have won many awards. Here in this article, I would like to cite few of my favorite Harvey Specter Quotes.
The quotes by Specter are very famous and popular among the Suits fans. Few of them are quite inspirational and motivating too. Most of them revolve around the success mantra of Harvey and are very catchy. Mostly they are one-liners, but so well versed that you find them applicable in almost all our daily scenarios. So, read through the collection of selected Harvey Specter quotes that are my personal favorites.
The Best Harvey Specter Quotes
Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.
Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.
Kill them with success. Bury them with the smile.
The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
I don’t get lucky. I make my own luck.
It’s going to happen because I’m going to make it happen.
Life is a game, play to win.
Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
Do you want to change your life? Change the way you think.
I’m not interested in great, I want to know who its Daddy is.
Hope you enjoyed reading through our collection of Harvey Specter Quotes. Hope you too found them inspiring and motivating. Do let us know your feedback through the comments section below. Also, let us know if you know any other Specter quotes you loved and your thoughts about the Suites episodes. We would love to hear from you.
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